Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Some people hate driving. I don't. Here are my negative and positives about cars:
-Positive: Driving allows for friendships to be made. Your first car, best car, most clunkerish car, car with the most memories... Your car is your friend. And if you want to keep the friendship alive, you treat it like you would a friend.
-Can be positive or negative, depends on the car: Sometimes you are known for your car. "oh my goodness, you know that guy in the powder-blue Prius?" or "the dude that drives the Maserati." Orrrr... "the guy who is always on the side of the highway because his truck broke down... again." You are what you drive. Sometimes. 
-Negative according to my wallet, excusable according to my sanity: They say it costs too much for a tank of gas. Well... I can see their point of view on that... But if you are driving to relax (because I am a nerd, and yes I like to drive to think and relax), what is the price you would put on peace and quiet and a relaxing experience? 
-Negative: Some people have those cars that back up for you or parallel park for you or brake for you or heat your seats for you (okay that's not bad...) or open the doors automatically for you. Pretty soon we will just put our cars on auto-pilot and go to sleep for 2 hours and wake up to thanksgiving dinner... While we're at it, can someone spoon-feed me? You know that expression we say when someone can't keep odorous substances contained and it is completely necessary for all passengers to hang their heads out in the nice H-2-Oh for a few moments: ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW!!! That one? Yea... Well if you drive an old car, then that may apply, but these days, we click our windows open. That doesn't even make a cool expression. And the new I'll-open-when-I-want-and-break-when-you-need-me doors. I guess they are okay, but the culmination of all these new gadgets and clicks and do-jiggeys and buttons totally take away from the car, making driving so that you don't interact with your car. 
-Positive: And the more you interact with your car, the better you know it. And the better you know it, the better chance you have of naming your car with a fitting name. Because let's face it. Each car needs a name. 
-Positive: Each car has it's own era. My dad tells stories based on what car he had. When him and mom were dating, those were the "ford escort" days. My uncle does the same thing: when him and his buddies went bombing around Milford as teens, those were his "trans am" and "camero" days, depending on what story he tells. My grandpa too. 

Truth be told, cars have character. They see us through anger (racing down the highway) and happy times (back roads to the park). And they are just awesome. That is why I have dedicated an entire post to vehicles.

Some like these:

Some prefer these: 

And the coolest prefer these:

Or something like that...

1 comment:

  1. Being a Vaughan, I agree whole-heartedly about the car stories. There's the Skyhawk, and the Escort, and the Rabbit, and the Taurus, and the Metro, (and the Metro and the Metro and the Metro... I think we had over 11 between all us teens...) Well said, Amsley!
